-Included 60,000 C.Y. of earthwork, 10,000+ lf of utilities, structures and hardscape for the development of approximately 5 acres of commercial lots.
-Utility work included new 8” and 12” DIP water lines, 8” sanitary sewer, 6” force main, storm drain, primary and secondary electric, communication and gas.
-Structures included soil nail, cast in place and MSE Block retaining walls.
-Additional scope included: site lighting, hand railing, water feature well and pump system, lift station and structure for the force main, along with the relocation of historic cabins, and a lakeside pedestrian trail.
-Provided a fully operational lift station to Mid Valley Metro, the water and sanitation municipality for that location.
-The wood framed structure included automatic louvers, heating, venting, engine exhaust w/ roof penetrating thimble, stairs, crane hoist, automatic sump pump, and radio communication to send signals to the control center.