Site Developments, Subdivisions, Parks 

Glenwood Green


Project Overview

Location: Glenwood Springs, CO
Owner: Steele Properties, Inc.
Engineer: JVA, Incorporated
Completion: 2013

Project Highlights

-Performed site development for four apartment buildings to include 60 residential units and a common building.
- Excavated 50,000 cubic yards, 20,000 was compacted to 95% compaction and 30,000 was exported, 30,000 cubic yards were over excavated and brought back to grade at 100% compaction.
- Installed onsite utilities which included 800 feet of certa-lock 8 inch sanitary sewer, 1500 feet of 8 inch snap lock ductile iron pipe for domestic water, 1000 feet of 8 inch snap lock ductile iron pipe for raw water, as well as 2000 feet of various sized HDPE storm drain.
- 3200 square feet of redi-rock walls were constructed to correct the sloping terrain of the site. Walls were used to retain the soil from the lower to upper building levels.


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