Location: Aspen, CO
Owner: Ajax Holdings, LLC
Engineer: SGM, Merrick McLaughlin, DHM, HP
Completion: 2017
Project Highlights
-Aspen Valley Ranch is one of the last, best family ranches in the Upper Roaring Fork Valley.
-As the civil contractor, Gould performed all grading, utilities installations, road construction, irrigation system construction, pond construction and pond modifications to the 850 acre site.
-Installed a private potable water system in 2015 and 2016 that included a 120,000 gallon buried concrete tank, pump station, approximately 2.5 miles of underground distribution piping, fire hydrants, services to 10 different buildings and piping to and from the existing wells.
-The private water system has two wells (drilled by others) as source water, and a pumping/metering/chlorination building.
-1.5 miles of new roadway were built throughout the ranch.
-Nearly 8 miles of conduit were installed for the various shallow utilities.
- Installed all storm drainage piping, inlets, MH’s and drywells, and two of the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems.
-Made modifications to the ditches and 2 ponds, and two new ponds were built and lined.
- Constructed new ditches to give the ranch manager more options during irrigation season, and installed two large pump stations, together able to supply approximately 3,000 gallons per minute to the fields.